All the art works presented here are wood reliefes made of hundreds and thousands of pieces of wood.
I have developed a special & unique technique to create pictures by using the different colors and textures of the wood. I do not use any additional coloring.  I call it "Painting with Wood".
If you look closely you will notice that even the signature is made of ashes. 

Homage to Cosmati (2003)

46 x 46 cm
Dynamic Picture
18,750 pieces of wood

Reminiscences of Toscana (2002)

81 x 62 cm
Dynamic Picture

Abstract God (2001)

88x68 cm Framed
80x60 UnFramed
26,250 pieces of wood
The art work was presented at the "Biennale Internazionale dell'Arte Contemporanea"
in Firenze, Italy on December 2001

Aztec God (1990)

61x61 cm UnFramed
16 octagonal boards 46,852 pieces of wood 
The Aztecian art and culture always attracted me. This is "the god of the earth", which the Aztec people sacrificed human sacrifice for him. The art work was presented at the "Biennale Internazionale dell'Arte Contemporanea" in Firenze, Italy on December 2001.

Wattle tree (1992)

25x20 cm Framed
15x9.5 cm UnFramed
842 pieces of wood

Jerusalem (1994)

25x25 cm Framed
15x15 cm UnFramed
1,008 pieces of wood
A view over the old city of Jerusalem.

Flowers (1987)

59.5x52.5 cm Framed
3,950 pieces of wood

Zebra (1991)

48.5x42.5 cm Framed
34x40 cm UnFramed
15,556 pieces of wood
I worked on this relief for four months, during the long nights of the Gulf War.

Hedgehog (1988)

51x34.5 cm Framed
10,910 pieces of wood

Composition (1985)

22x101 cm Framed
2,550 pieces of wood

A perfect and absolute arrows composition.
The art work was presented at the "Biennale Internazionale dell'Arte Contemporanea"
in Firenze, Italy on December 2001

Rachel's tomb (1991)

17x17 cm Framed
1,782 pieces of wood

Hedgehog (1994)

25x20 cm Framed
14.5x9.5 cm UnFramed
1,444 pieces of wood